Black Bear Watching Tour

This was my first time seeing the black bear! I was so excited!  In Hong Kong, it is impossible to watch black bears in the wild, so this chance is very rare! Actually, Tofino has a lot of black bears, so we were not allowed to have any food at all in our tents, and after every meal, we had to lock all our food into the trunk of our vehicle. There were also special bear garbage cans. They were hard to open, because there was a special clasp that the bears could not unlatch. 

This was done, so that nothing would attract the bears into the campgrounds. Bears are very dangerous, when we were on the bear watching tour, one of our guides was a cute Canadian guy who was our age. He told us many things about the black bears, like how fast they can run and how quickly they can kill their prey. Black bears don’t normally attack people unless they have young, are injured, have food, or humans are hurting them.  

Adam was a great guide as he was very funny and played games with us. He taught me how to make a daisy-chain when he learned that my name is Daisy. I really liked him. He was so friendly, funny, and interesting to talk to.

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